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CRUD Region

In Ozon we can easily Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) region data.


  • Firstly you need access to admin user, then to Ozon menu and click to Region Setting and you can click Add Region Button. addregion
  • After that a popup form will appear. Fill in the URL and Region Name, then click Add Region: formaddregion
  • And you can see in the table list of region tablelistofregion


  • To update the data region, you can click the Update Region button on the data row you want. updateregion
  • After that a popup form will appear. You can change URL and Region Name, then click Update Region: updateregionregion


  • To delete the data region, you can click dropdown icon the data row you want, then click Delete Region button. deleteregion
  • After that a popup confirmation will appear. You can Delete Region button to continue process: confirmationdeleteregion